How to get involved
Whether you like working with others, handling money, planning, communicating, computers… There’s some here for you!
Join our thriving group of club volunteers and participants and discover the benefits of club life.
The club provide officials at all games they participate in. The main pathway for officials is to attend available training, complete the ALRA testing and get practice by shadowing another official. Lacrosse Victoria pays officials in a lump sum at the end of each season.

Team managers ensure that match day goes smoothly for their team. They do this by maintaining great communication between all those involved including the coaches, players, parents and directors and/or officials when needed. Team managers co-ordinate and delegate activities through rosters, emails and face to face communication.

Players have the option of participating in the LV home and away season or joining one of our social playing groups – there is a mixed social group which plays in the evenings and another which plays during school hours. The home and away season is divided into Under 12, under 14, under 16, under 18 and open age. Our social groups are for teens and adults. We also run ALA QuickStix programs for primary aged children and an under 10 group which meets weekly at the club.

Fun and flexible, social lacrosse is played during 2nd and 3rd term in the cage at Eltham Lower Park. With the minimum of experience, you can come down to the club once a week, have a bit of skills practice and then play some games. The games will be customised to suit the players and numbers available each week. Perfect for anyone who wants to give lacrosse a go without committing to a full home and away season. Aimed at teens to adults.

We have a liquor licence and ask those with a Responsible Serving of Alcohol (RSA) training to serve behind the bar. The club advertises RSA training and members can attend at a discounted price.
Managing the club equipment is about maintaining the gear in good repair, replacing when necessary and co-ordinating the distribution and return of equipment. The club loans out equipment to new starters, goalie gear to junior teams, carries a large number of sticks for use in recruitment and has large equipment like goals and shelters to maintain.

For non-players becoming an associate member allows you to be part of the club and provide some financial support through your subscription. You will be kept up to date with our newsletter and you can even join in at training if desired and participate in social lacrosse.
If over 18 years you will have full voting rights, can sign guests in to the social rooms and are always invited to events.

Fundraising is an important part of any club’s success. Successful planning and executing of fundraising activities bring much needed funds to the club which always has a list of equipment and facility goals to fulfil.

Our recruitment team run multiple events throughout the year to increase awareness in the local community of the club and the game of lacrosse. Recruitment activities include coordinating the schools competition, quick stixs programs, clinics in schools, umpiring for local interschool sports, come and try days and stalls at festivals and fetes.

Out canteen is operated during home games and most Saturday nights in season. Saturday night is an opportunity for the club to come together and share news from the weeks games over a meal. Both junior and seniors and their families eat together.
Teams are rostered on for dinner duty once or twice a season. Our daytime canteen is also run by volunteers and we ask everyone to help out during the season.

Supporters will be getting out there in the club colours, probably have a associate memberships and offer a hand for canteen duty, set up and pack up, running a sausage sizzle or any put their hand up for any other ad-hoc activity that comes up. Of course, they’ll regularly attend games and come down for match reports on a Saturday night.

Coaches are at the core of what we do which is support people to play lacrosse. We seek coaches who encourage and develop player’s skill and personal development, treat each player as an individual while promoting team play and belonging.

Ensuring we capture news and success stories about the club, we need people actively seeking stories, gathering facts and writing up news for our facebook, newsletters and special editions. We also aim to get stories in the local paper and having someone dedicated to this goal will help see it realised.